Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Benefits and Side Effects

James Denlinger
5 min readJul 24, 2019


Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Benefits and Side Effects

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA for short, is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in a fully developed adult mammalian brain. One of its key roles is the reduction of neuronal excitability throughout the central nervous system. Additionally, in humans, the neurotransmitter is directly responsible for the regulation and improvement of muscle tone. Glutamate produces GABA in the brain with the help of the active form of vitamin B6, which acts as a catalyst, and the glutamate decarboxylase enzyme (GAD).

Many studies show that GABA isn’t only found in the brain, but also within several peripheral tissues, such as the stomach, intestines, ovaries, testes, kidneys, liver, bladder and lungs — although at a much lower scale than in the brain’s neurons.

GABA facilitates communication among brain cells. In other words, it functions as a neurotransmitter, reduces the activity that occurs within the brain and nervous system and promotes relaxation. It may also boost sleep and alleviate pain.

Benefits of GABA

GABA helps with a variety of stress-related ailments such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, PMS, muscle pain, lack of concentration, growth hormone deficiency and substance abuse.

Its primary purpose is to reduce nerve excitability, and it also helps with anxiety and a general sense of uneasiness.

Helps with Depression

GABA can help with depression. Tests done on 87 people showed that those with higher levels of it suffered less from depression and other behavior disorders. Another study showed that patients who underwent electro-convulsive therapy generally expressed higher GABA levels following the treatment. This indicates that GABA is highly efficient as an anti-depressant and much easier on patients than regular, traditional depression treatments.

GABA for Insomnia

Over 30 percent of adults suffer from insomnia at some stage in their lives. Lack of sleep can cause other side effects such as exhaustion, headaches, sore eyes and failure of the immune system. GABA has a calming, soothing effect and can help induce sleep by reducing the excitability of the nerves. Studies show that people with insomnia tend to have up to 30 percent lower GABA levels than those without insomnia. Research also shows that participants who used GABA as their insomnia medication fell asleep five minutes earlier on average than the non-consuming control group. This, along with a regular sleep schedule, reduction of caffeine intake and extra magnesium intake, will guarantee a better sleep cycle.

Provides Relief from PMS

GABA levels are heavily disrupted and tend to decline during PMS, causing food cravings, mood swings and general fatigue. GABA may aid and provide relief from symptoms of PMS. Some studies show that it is involved in the mechanism of cramps and plays a vital role as a natural pain reliever. Along with vitamin B6 and magnesium, it is an effective remedy for PMS and helps reduce pain and balance symptoms.

Ease Aches and Pains

Studies show that GABA may ease the pain of strained muscles, relieve inflammation during exercise and reduce chronic pain. It can interfere with the propagation of pain signals and reduce the severity of constant dull aches.

May Combat Wrinkles

GABA can help prevent wrinkling of the skin by inhibiting facial muscle tension and helping the face muscles relax. Furthermore, it may actually reduce skin blemishes and promote a more youthful appearance.

Helps with Focusing

GABA is known to help with focusing, as well as ADHD in both adults and children. A study shows that GABA levels in children with ADHD are significantly lower than in those who don’t suffer from the illness. Taking GABA supplements can help maintain focus, improve memory and combat symptoms of ADHD.

GABA for Growth Hormone Deficiency

One of the hormones produced in the pituitary gland is called human growth hormone. It helps with muscle strength and bone growth and lowers the risk of heart attack. A lack of this hormone can cause symptoms such as insulin resistance, slower growth and delayed puberty in children, sexual dysfunction, depression in adults and risk of heart disease.

A study shows that subjects who were given a regular dose of GABA showed an increase in levels of the human growth hormone. Growth hormone production seems to change with resistance exercise. Although the study did not wholly ascertain the direct connection between growth hormone and GABA, research shows it as accurate.

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Benefits and Side Effects infographic

Side Effects of GABA

GABA is safe to consume within the recommended dosage. However, taking higher doses of the inhibitory neurotransmitter may cause:

  • Flushing of the skin
  • Drowsiness
  • Tingling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Digestive problems
  • Paradoxical anxiety
  • Dysphoria

Flushing or Tingling of the Skin

This supplement may have an effect on your central nervous system and trigger flushing or tingling of the skin. These symptoms are not dangerous and usually do not last long.

Increased Heart Rate

You may experience temporary drowsiness, shortness of breath or increased heart rate.

Paradoxical Anxiety

Higher doses of GABA over an extended period of time may cause paradoxical anxiety. According to some researchers, excessive amounts of GABA may cause high levels of stress. Stop taking it if you experience additional stress or anxiety.

General Precautions

GABA should not be taken in combination with barbiturates, benzodiazepine or alcohol. Individuals diagnosed with unipolar or bipolar depressive disorders should also not take it.

Substance Abuse

Alcohol is an agonist of GABA receptors. In other words, alcohol and GABA have the same sedating and relaxing effects on the body. Excessive alcohol use may desensitize GABA receptors, cause additional stress and anxiety and actually trigger the desire to drink more.

Dosage of GABA

When taking GABA powder, ingest it in servings of 750 mg once or twice daily before sleep and at least two hours before or after a meal. For GABA capsules, take one capsule once or twice daily and at least two hours before or after a meal. Drink a full glass of water to help the supplement dissolve. If you have trouble swallowing pills, you can use the powder form and dissolve it in water or juice. Do not take this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing.

The Bottom Line

A neurotransmitter is a chemical that sends messages to the brain. During moments of stress, the body releases chemicals that signal the brain to stop the fight or flight response. Supplementing with GABA can relieve anxiety, promote relaxation and help with sleep. Furthermore, GABA treats muscle pain, promotes muscle strength and can help with substance abuse. As an added benefit, it helps suppress inflammatory and infection immune responses and could essentially inhibit the growth of certain autoimmune diseases.

Originally published at on July 24, 2019.



James Denlinger
James Denlinger

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