Juniper Berry Benefits & Side Effects

James Denlinger
4 min readNov 13, 2019


Juniper Berry Benefits & Side Effects

Culinary Uses

Some juniper berries are used as a spice, especially in European cuisine. The aroma and taste of the berries give food a distinct flavor. These berries are some of the few spices that come from conifers.

Communities in Europe, especially Scandinavia, have long used juniper to impart a distinct flavor to meat dishes and game meats. A traditional Germanic dish of sauerkraut and meats has, for a long time, featured juniper berries. These berries also feature prominently in Czech, Hungarian, German and Austrian cuisine.

Medicinal Uses

In addition to being a culinary ingredient, juniper berries have also been used for medicinal purposes. Ancient Egyptians used their oils as a laxative. In addition, some of the Native American tribes used juniper to assist in childbirth. British explorers used them to treat menstrual cramps. In the 19 thcentury, many communities in the U.S. used juniper berries to treat the symptoms of gonorrhea, urinary tract infections and cardiac disorders.

Juniper berries have also been useful as traditional remedies for indigestion, warts, bronchitis, gallstones, gout, colic, bad breath and back pain, among other ailments.

Benefits of Juniper Berry

Excellent Nutrition

While there is limited information about the nutritional content of juniper berries, they are believed to contain a wide range of vitamins and useful plant compounds. Like other berries, juniper is rich in vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in promoting immune and cardiovascular health. In addition, vitamin C supports the synthesis of collagen.

Provides Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects

A significant benefit of juniper berries is their ability to minimize oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the body. The berries contain bioflavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants. Juniper berries are loaded with more than 80 antioxidant compounds. The ripeness of the berries determines the amount of antioxidants they contain.

Juniper berries contain flavonoids that prevent inflammation. In addition, the berries are rich in essential oils that stimulate enzymatic action. Many of the health benefits of juniper berries are due to their antioxidant properties. Their antioxidant properties help to prevent wrinkles and promote skin health.

Antidiabetic Properties

Many communities throughout the world use juniper berries as traditional medicine for diabetes. Consuming the berries may help to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Some researchers believe the high levels of antioxidants in juniper berries give them the antidiabetic effect.

Some people refer to juniper berries as nature’s insulin because of their ability to regulate blood glucose levels. Research indicates they contain chemical compounds that promote the production and release of insulin into the bloodstream.

Cardiac Health

Juniper berries promote cardiac health by regulating the levels of good cholesterol in the body. Studies indicate consuming these berries is one of the best ways to minimize the risk of cardiac disorders.

Kidney Health

Digestive Health

Skin Health

Juniper berries are essential in promoting skin health. The berries’ essential oils can treat skin infections, such as rash and eczema. What makes them so effective in treating skin infections is the level of antioxidants they contain. Research indicates they may treat vitiligo as well as other problems with skin pigmentation. Juniper berry may also minimize the appearance of cellulite on the hips, thighs and backside.

Supports Restful Sleep

Juniper Berry Benefits & Side Effects infographic

How to Find Juniper Berries

You can find juniper berries in food stores throughout the country. They may also be sold online. Products are available in various forms, including crushed, dried, whole and fresh. Many add extracts into their foods to add flavor and a rich aroma. You can also use crushed juniper berries to make a sauce. Whatever you decide to do, do not overcook the berry extracts because it will make your food bitter.

Side Effects of Juniper Berry

Juniper extract can lower blood sugar, which may have adverse effects, especially in people with diabetes. In addition, taking the extract may cause abdominal discomfort due to irritation of the stomach and intestines.
Juniper extract may affect blood pressure and may make it difficult for people with cardiac problems to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. It is advisable to avoid taking juniper extracts at least three weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Juniper Berry Warnings

Do not consume juniper berries or extract if you are pregnant or lactating. The berries may stimulate menstruation and cause miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In addition, avoid using these products if you have diabetes or have a history of blood sugar problems. They can lower blood sugar to significantly low levels. It may also cause fluctuations in blood pressure, which can be quite dangerous, especially to people with high blood pressure.

Avoid using juniper extracts if you are allergic to the berries or oils. In addition, discuss supplementation with your physician if you have kidney problems. The same applies to people on diuretic medication. Mixing juniper extract with antidiuretics may cause over diuresis, which may lead to serious health complications.

Avoid supplementing with juniper extract for more than four weeks at a time. Stop use after four weeks to give the body adequate time to rid itself of excess chemical compounds.


Standard Safety Precautions

Always dilute juniper essential oils before consuming. In addition, avoid touching the eyes or mucous membranes after coming in contact with juniper essential oils. In case the essential gets into your eyes, do not use water to clean it off. Instead, wipe the eyes gently with a piece of non-fluff tissue paper dipped in vegetable oil. Seek immediate medical attention if itching persists.

Keep all juniper products out of reach of children and pets. Call 911 in case your child ingests juniper extract or oil.

Originally published at on November 13, 2019.



James Denlinger
James Denlinger

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